the grimsay press

Scotland's Almanac and National Depository, 1846: with a Register for Edinburgh

Book Index

Abbey of Holyroodhouse, 496
Abbreviations, Table of, 540
Aberdeen County Lists, 456
Aberdeen Universities, 411, 4l2, 413
Aberdeenshire Club, 514
Academical Club, 525
Academy, Edinburgh, 503
Academy of Painting, &c. Scottish, 416
Academy, Royal, London, 276
Academy, Royal, at Edinburgh, 418
Academy, Scottish Naval and Military, 4l9
Accountants in Edinburgh, 429
Acts of Parliament affecting Scotland, 1l4-146
Additions and Corrections, 539
Admiralty-Office, London 169
Admiralty Court, London, 270
Admiralty Court, Dublin, 286
Advocates, Faculty of, 423, 424
Advocates' First Clerks, 428,429
Agents or Solicitors, Society of 428, 429
Agents or Solicitors, Certificated List of, 541, 551
Aides-de-Camp to the Queen .230
Albyn Archers .528
Ambassadors, British, 195
Ambassadors, Foreign, 195
Angus Club, 515
Annuities, Government Life, &c, 75
Anti-Patronage Society, 407
Antiquaries of Scotland, Society of, 418
Archbishops, English, 169, 269
Archbishops, Irish, 285
Archers, Royal Company of, 291
Arches, Court of, London, 270
Argyll County Lists, 457
Army, 222-264
Army, General & Field Officers, 222-229
Army, List of Regiments, 230-262
Army, Pay-office, 169
Army, Prices of Commissions, 264
Army, Regimental Pay, 263
Army and Navy, Comparative Rank in, 199
Artillery, Royal, 216, 260
Arts, Royal Scottish Society of, 416
Arts, School of, 505
Art-Union of Scotland, 417
Assembly, General, 334
Assembly, General, abridgment of the Acts of, 146
Assembly Rooms, Directors of, 524
Assessed Taxes, 83-85
Associated Societies of the University of Edinburgh, 506
Astronomical Signs, 13
Ayr County Lists, 468

Bailie Court, Edinburgh, 496
Banff County Lists 459
Bank Holidays 14
Bank of England and Agencies, 277
Bank of Scotland and Branches, 439, 440
Banks of Issue, circulation of, 439
Banks and Banking Companies in Scotland 439-447
Banks in Edinburgh, 439, 520
Banks, Public, in England and Wales 277
Banks, Public, in Ireland 288
Banking-Houses in London 279
Bankruptcy, Court of, England, 270
Bankruptcy, Dublin 286
Baptist Home Missionary Society, 409
Baronetage of Scotland and Nova Scotia, 319-324
Baronets of Great Britain, &c., connected with Scotland, 324-327
Barrack Department, Scotland, 435
Bath, Knights of the, 194
Belfast Academical Institution, 287
Bell's (Dr) Schools, Edinburgh, 505
Berwick County Lists, 460
Bethel Flag Union, 409
Bible Society, Edinburgh, 500
Bible Society, Edinburgh Auxiliary, 50I
Bible Society, Edinburgh Naval & Military, 502
Bible Society, Scottish, 408
Bill Stamps, 80
Bishops and Deans, English, 269
Bishops and Deans, Irish, 285
Bishops, Colonial, 269
Blind, Asylum for, 511
Blind, School for, 511
Board of Control, 168
Board of Ordnance, 169
Board of Trade, 168
Board of Trustees for Manufactures, 449
Bonds, Mortgages, &c., Duties on, 80
Booksellers' Society, 524
Botanical Society, 417
British Ministry, 166
British Ministry, from 1801, 156
British Association for Promotion of Science 276
British Consuls abroad, 198
British Institution, London, 276
British Linen Company Bank, 441
British Ministers abroad, 195, 196
British Museum, 276
Bruntsfield Links Golf Club, 528
Builders' Society, 524
Burghs, Chief Magistrates, Town-Clerks, &c., of, 483-488
Bute County Lists, 461
Cabinet Ministers, 156
Cabinet Ministers, List of, from 1801 to the present time 156
Caithness County Lists, 461
Caithness Association, 5I5
Caledonian Asylum, London .279
Caledonian Hunt 453
Caledonian.United Service Club, 526
Calton, High Constables of, 498
Calton, Incorporated Trades of, 498
Cambridge University, 272
Canals & Railways, Scottish, 90, 91
Canal Boats, 108
Canongate, Burgh of, 493
Canongate, Burgh School, 505
Canongate, High Constables of, 498
Canongate, Sessional School, 505
Canongate, Stentmasters, 496
Capital Punishments Society, 625
Carriages, Duties on 83
Carriers from Edinburgh, 108-113
Cauvin's Hospital, 510
Celtic Society, 450
Central Criminal Court, London, 270
Certificated Writers, 541-551
Chalmers' Hospital, 510
Chamber of Commerce, 520
Chancery, Court of, English, 269
Chancery, Court of, Irish, 286
Chancery, Masters of, for Scotland, 552
Chancery Office, Edinburgh, 422
Chapel Royal, 291
Chapels in Scotland in Connexion with Established Church, 359
Chelsea Hospital and Asylum, 264
Chess Club, Edinburgh, 625
Christian Knowledge, Society for Promoting, 405
Christian Knowledge, Society for Propagating, 407
Chronicle and Obituary, 157, 158
Chronological Cycles, 14
Chronology, Tables of, 155-158
Church of England, 269
Church of Ireland, 285
Church of Scotland, 334-359
Church of Scotland, General Assembly of, 334
Church of Scotland, Churches in England in connexion with, 360
Church of Scotland, Colonial Churches in connexion with, 360
Churches and Chapels in Edinburgh, 499, 500
Circus Place School, 503
City of Glasgow Bank, 445
Civil Engineers, Institution of, 276
Clackmannan County Lists, 462
Clan Gregor Society, 420
Clydesdale Banking Co., 445
Coaches, Mail and Stage, 103
Coast-Guard, 433
Colonial Bishops, 269
Colonial Governors, 265
Colonial Monies, 67
Colonial Churches in connexion with Church of Scotland 360
Colonial Ministers connected with Free Church, 379, 380
Colonies, British 265
Commercial Bank of Scotland, 441
Commissary Court, 423
Commission of General Assembly, 334
Commissioners of the Southern Districts 498
Commissioners in Scotland of Supreme Courts in England, 552
Commissioners in Scotland of Supreme Courts in Ireland, 552
Commissioners for New Improvements, 499
Commissioners of Supply for County of Edinburgh, 530,531
Commons, House of, 180-190
Commons, Officers of House of l90
Common Pleas, Court of, English, 269
Common Pleas, Court of, Irish, 286
Congregationalist Churches, 400-402
Consistory Court, London .270
Consistorial Court, Dublin .286
Consistorial Causes, Sheriffs for taking Proofs in, 423
Constituencies of Counties and Burghs, 188
Consuls, 197-199
Convention of Royal Burghs, 488
Corn Markets, weekly, in Scotland, 62
Corn, Import Duties on 78
Counties, Scottish, Lords Lieutenant, Deputy Lieutenant, Sheriffs, and other Officers of, 456-483
Court of Session, 421
Court of Session, List of Presidents since 1707, 151
Courts of Law in Scotland, 421-423
Courts of Law in England, 269,270
Courts of Law in Ireland, 286
Courtesy, Titles of, 100-192
Craigcrook Mortification, 514
Criminal Offenders, 152
Cromarty County List 463
Cruelty to Animals Prevention Society, 454
Customs at different Ports, 151
Customs Board of, London, 168
Customs Duties, Table of, 76-78
Customs Officers of, 432

Deaf and Dumb, Institution for, 511
Deaf and Dumb Day School, 511
Dean of Guild Court, 496
Debt, National, 148
Deputy-Lieutenants, Scotland, 456-483
Destitute Sick, Society for, 512
Diagnostic Society, 507
Dialectic Society, 506
Dispensaries, Edinburgh, 517, 518
Dissenters, Central Board of, 410
Dissenting Ministers' Widows' Fund, 410
Dollar Institution, 419
Donaldson's Hospital, 510
Dublin, Corporation of, 282
Dublin, University, 287
Dublin, Bank, &c. in, 288
Duchess of Kent's Household, 166
Duddingston Curling Club, 527
Dumbarton County Lists, 463
Dumfries County Lists, 464
Durham University, 276
Duties of Customs, Stamps, &c., 76-85
East India College, Hertford, 276
East India Company, Directors of, 266
Ecclesiastical Courts, English, 270
Ecclesiastical Courts, Irish, 286
Eclipses 14
Edinburgh County Lists, 465, 530-533
Edinburgh Academy, 503
Edinburgh Association for Illustrating Local Antiquities, 526
Edinburgh Benevolent and Strangers' Friend Society, 512
Edinburgh Burgess Golfing Society, 528
Edinburgh Cemetery Company, 521
Edinburgh City Eldership Association, 502
Edinburgh Commission of the Peace, 493
Edinburgh Golfers, Hon. Company of, 528
Edinburgh, High Constables of, 497, 498
Edinburgh Institution for Languages,&c., 504
Edinburgh, Lieutenantcy of, 493
Edinburgh, Magistrates of 491,492
Edinburgh, Municipal Wards of 400
Edinburgh, Parliamentary Boundaries of, 489
Edinburgh, Parochial Divisions of, 491
Edinburgh, Public Offices in, 521-523
Edinburgh Southern Academy, 504
Edinburgh Town-Council, 491, 492
Edinburgh University, 412-413
Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank, 444
Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, 104, 105
Elgin or Moray County Lists, 465
Emigration, Government Agents for 199
Engineers, Royal 262
England, Lists and Institutions connected wit, 267-280
England, Presbyterian Church in, 381,382
England, Sovereigns of, 155
Engravings, Association for the Purchase of, 418
Episcopal Church in Scotland, Bishops, Clergy, &c. of, 402-404
Episcopal Chapels, Independent, 405
Europe, Reigning Sovereigns of, 159-162
European States, Statistics of, 162
Exchanges, Foreign and Colonial, 67
Exchequer Office, London, 168
Exchequer Court in Scotland, 422
Exchequer Court, English, 270
Exchequer Court, Irish, 286
Excise Duties, Tariff of, 79
Excise, Officers of, Scotland, 438
Excise, Board of, London, 166
Exports of the United Kingdom, 149,150
Eye Dispensary, 518
Eye Infirmary, 517

Faculty Office, London, 270
Fairs, &c. in Scotland, 46-59
Fairs, &c. in England, 59-62
Farmer's and Grazier's Kalendar, 42,43
Fast-Days in the Principal Towns, 15
Female Society, Senior, 513
Female Society, Junior, 513
Female Society, of Free Church for Female Education in India, 408
Ferries on the Forth and Tay, 91,92
Festivals, Moveable 14
Fettes' Endowment, 510
Fever Board, Edinburgh, 516
Fiars-Prices, 1838 to 1844, 68-73
Fife County Lists, 466
Finance, Commerce, & Shipping, 147-151
Fine Arts, Association for Promotion of, 417
Fine Arts, Royal Institution for Encouragement of, 416
Fisheries, British Society for extending, 280
Fisherrow Sailors' Society, 538
Foreign Corn, Duties on, 78
Foreign Monies and Exchanges 67
Foreign Weights and Measures 6&
Foreign Ministers in London .195,100
Foreign Consuls in Britain, &c 197
Forfar County Lists, 467
Free Church of Scotland, 363-379
Free Church of Scotland, Colonial Ministers connected with, 379,380
Free Church of Scotland, New College, 300
Free Church of Scotland, Committees 380
Free Church of Scotland, Missionaries in connexion with, 381
Free Church of Scotland, General Board of Missions and Education of, 380
Freemasons 453,454
Freemasons, Lodges of, in Edinburgh .524
Friendly Societies, Advocate for Certifying 423
Funds, Life Annuities, &c .74,75
Gaelic School Society .409
Gaelic, Ladies' Association in aid of, 502
Game Certificates, Duties on, 84
Gardener's Kalendar, 44,45
Gardeners, St Cuthbert's Lodge of, 524
Garrisons in Great Britain & Ireland 264
Garter, Knights of, 193
Gas-Light Companies, 521
General Assembly, 334
General Assembly, Abridgment of the acts of, 146
General Assembly, Moderators of, since 1800, 334
General Assembly, Missionaries in India, 361
General Assembly, Missionaries under the Royal Bounty 359
General Assembly, Committee for Promoting Education in the Highlands, &c.362
General Assembly, Committee for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 362
General Assembly, Joint Committee on the Five Schemes 362
General Assembly, on Colonial Churches, 362
General Assembly, for Promoting Christianity among the Jews .362
General Assembly, Home Mission Scheme 362
General Assembly, on Finance, &c 363
General Assembly, on Quoad Sacra Chapels, 363
Geographical Society, London, 276
Geological Society, Edinburgh, 506
Gillespie's Hospital, 510
Glasgow University, 411
Grand Lodge of Freemasons, 453,454
Greenwich Hospital, 217
Guildry, Council of, Edinburgh, 496

Hackney Coach Fares, 529
Haddington County Lists, .468
Harmonists' Society, 527
Harveian Society, 506
Heralds' College, 192
Heriot's (George) Hospital, 508
Heriot's Hospital Schools, 508, 509
Herring-Fishery Office, Edinburgh, 449
High Water at Leith, 18-40
High Water at Granton Pier, 13
High Water at the Principal Ports of the United Kingdom, &c, 17
High Constables of Edinburgh, 497, 498
High School of Edinburgh, 503
Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, 452
Highland School Society, London, 280
Holland, Scotch Churches in, 361
Holyroodhouse, Abbey of, 496
Horse Guards, 169
Horses, Duties on, 84
Horticultural Society, 418
House of Commons, 180-100
House of Peers, 169-179
House of Industry, 512
House of Refuge & Night Refuge, 513
Humane Society, Dispensary, &c, 536
Hunterian Medical Society, 506

Imperial Standard Measures, 63-65
Imports of the United Kingdom, 149
Imports, Duties on 76-78
Improvements Commission, 499
Income-Tax Commissioners, 499,533
Incorporations of Edinburgh, 498
Incurables, Institution for Relief of, 513
India Board, 68
India Lists, 266,267
Indigent Old Men, Society for Relief of, 514
Indigent Women, Societies for Relief of, 513
Industrious Blind, Society for, 511
Industrious Poor, Society for Clothing, 514
Infant School Society, 525
Infirmary, Royal, 516
Insolvent Debtors' Court, London, 270
Insolvent Debtors' Court, Dublin...286
Institutions for Young Ladies, 504
Insurance Companies, 447, 448
Insurance Policies, Duties on, 81
Inverness County Lists, 469
Ireland, 280-288
Ireland, Household of the Lord-Lieutenant, 282
Ireland, Lords-Lieutenants from, 1801, 281
Ireland, Ministry & Officers of State, 281
Ireland, Prelates and Deans, 285
Ireland, Presbyterian Church in, 383-387
Irish Evangelical Society, Edinburgh Auxiliary to, 501

Jews, General Assembly's Committee for Promoting Christianity among, 362
Jews, Female Society for Promoting Christianity among, 503
Joint-Stock Companies, Notes on the Law of .153
Juridical Society, 507
Jury Clerks, 421
Justices of the Peace, 493,494
Justiciary, Court of, 422

Kalendar, &c. 13-62
Kincardine County Lists .470
King's College, Aberdeen, 411,412
King's College, London, 275
King's College Hospital 275
Kinloch Bequest, London .280
Kinross County Lists .471
Kirkcudbright County Lists, 412
Knights of the Garter, 193
Knights of the Thistle, 193
Knights of St Patrick, 193
Knights of the Bath, 194
Knights Templars, 50

Ladies' Association for Advancing Female Education in India .408
Lanark County Lists, 473
Lanarkshire Association, 515
Lancasterian School, Edinburgh, 505
Law Courts, Scottish, 421-423
Law Courts, English, 269,270
Law Courts, Irish, 286
Legacy Duties 82
Leith, Admiral and Bailie Courts, 533
Leith, Auxiliary to British and Foreign Bible Society, 535
Leith, Auxiliary to Edinburgh Bible Society, 535
Leith, Bell's School, 536
Leith Boys' Charity School, 536
Leith Chamber of Commerce, 531
Leith, Churches and Chapels in, 535
Leith Commissioners for Harbour, &c., 534
Leith Commissioners of Police, 534
Leith Destitute Sick Society, 536
Leith Dispensary and Humane Society, 536
Leith Exchange Buildings, &c., 531
Leith Exchange Coffee-Room, 531
Leith High Constables, 534
Leith High School, 536
Leith, High Water at, 18-40
Leith Incorporation of Maltmen, 537
Leith Incorporation of Traffickers, 537
Leith Library, Public, 536
Leith Magistrates, &c., 533
Leith Mechanics' Library, 536
Leith Packet and Steam Vessels, 106, 107
Leith Philharmonic Society, 535
Leith Religious Tract Society, 535
Leith Sabbath School Society, 535
Leith Savings Bank, 537
Leith Session Clerks, 535
Leith Shipping Companies & Agents 106,107
Leith Solicitors, Society of, 533
Leith, Stamps, Distributors of 531
Leith Stentmasters, 496,534
Leith Sympathetic Corporation, 535
Leith Tower Signal-House, 536
Leith Town-Council, 533
Leith Trades, Convener of, 534
Leith Transport-Office, 537
Leith Trinity-House, 537
Library, Advocates', 423
Library, Writers to the Signet 425
Library, College 412
Library, Edinburgh Architectural, 508
Library, Edinburgh Mechanics' Subscription, 508
Library, Edinburgh New Town Subscription 508
Library, Edinburgh Select Subscription 508
Library, Edinburgh Subscription, 508
Library, Theological, College, 507
Licences,&c., Duties on, 81
Lieutenantcy of Edinburgh .493
Lieutenantcy of Mid-Lothian 536
Lieutenants, Lords, in Scotland 456-488
Lieutenants, Lords, in England and Wales, 268
Lieutenants, Lords, in Ireland, 281
Life Annuities, Government, 75
Lighthouses, Northern, 450, 451
Linlithgow County Lists, 473
Local Statutes affecting Scotland, 145, 146
Lock Hospital, 519
London, Banking houses in, 279
London, Corporation of, 278
London, Population of, 280
London, Scottish Institutions in, 279, 280
London, University, 274
Lords, House of, 169-179
Lunatic Asylum, 519
Lying-in Hospital, 518
Lying-in Institutions, 518, 519
Lyon Court 422

Madras College, St Andrews, 420
Magdalen Asylum, 512
Magistrates of Edinburgh, 491, 492
Magistrates, Chief, of Royal Burghs,&c., 483-488
Mail and Stage Coaches .103
Mails, Arrival and Departure of, 92
Mails, Routes of l02, 103
Marines, Royal 215
Marischal Col1ege, Aberdeen, 413
Markets and Fairs, 46-62
Markets, Weekly Corn, &c. in Scotland, 62
Mason Lodges in Edinburgh, 524
Master Gunners in North Britain, 435
Maternity Hospital, 519
Maynooth College, 287
Mearnshire Club. 514
Measures, Imperial, and Foreign, 63-66
Medical School, Edinburgh Extra-Academical 415
Medical Society, Royal, 505
Medico-Chirurgical Society, 500
Members of Parliament, 180-190
Members of Parliament for Scotland, 328-333
Merchant Company, 520
Merchant Company Maiden Hospital, 509
Merchiston Curling Club, 827
Messengers at Arms, 430, 431
Messengers at Arms, Society of, 524
Metaphysical Society, 507
Militia of North Britain, 436-438
Ministers' Widows, Trustees for, 408
Ministry, British, 166
Ministry, Irish, 281
Mint, Officers of, 168
Minto House Hospital, &c., 517
Mission, Edinburgh City, 502
Missionaries under Royal Bounty, 359
Missionaries of the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 407
Missionaries in India, General Assembly's, 361
Missionary Association, University, 507
Missionary Society, Baptist Home 409
Missionary, Edinburgh Auxiliary, 501
Missionary Association, Edinburgh Church of England 501
Missionary Society, Scottish 400
Missionary, Wesleyan, 410
Moderators of General Assembly since l800, 334
Money, transmission of, by post, 97
Monies, &c., Foreign and Colonial, 67
Moravian Missions Association, 501
Moray or Elgin County Lists, 465
Morayshire Society 515
Morayshire Mechanics' Society, 515
Musical Association, Edinburgh Amateur, 526
Musselburgh Lists 538

Nairn County Lists 414
National Debt 148
National Monument, Association for 450
National Bank of Scotland 442
Naval and Military Academy, 419
Naval Club, Edinburgh Royal, 526
Naval Full and Half Pay, 221
Naval Hospital, Royal, 211
Navy, Royal, 200-221
Navy and Army, Comparative Rank in, l99
Navy and Prize Agents in London, 211
Newspapers, Transmission of, by Post, 97
Newspapers, Duties on, 81
Newspapers, Scottish, List of, 455
Night Asylum for Houseless Poor, 513
North Esk Reservoir, 532
Notaries Public, 430, 431, 541-551

Obituary and Chronicle, 157, 158
Obstetrical Society, 506
Officers of State in Scotland, 290
Officers Receiving Rewards 230
Ordnance Office, 169
Ordnance Stations, Scotland, 435
Orkney and Shetland County Lists, 475
Charitable Society, 515
Orphan Hospital, 510
Oxford University 270

Packet Vessels, 107
Palaces, Keepers of, in Scotland, 291
Parliament, House of Lords, 169-179
Parliament, House of Commons, 180-190
Parliament, Members of, for Scotland, 328-333
Parliaments, Imperial, List of, 157
Parliamentary Papers, Abstracts of, 146-153
Parochial Boards, 516
Patents, granted for Scotland, 154,155
Peebles County Lists, 475
Peerage, Scottish, 292-310
Peerage, (Union Roll, l707) 291
Peerage, Dormant and Extinct, 31l-313
Peerage, Irish, 282-285
Peers, House of, 169-179
Peers, Officers of House of, 179
Peeresses, British, 179
Peers and Peeresses of England, &c., connected with Scotland, 314-319
Peers' Sons, Titles of Courtesy of, 190-192
Perth County Lists, 476
Philosophical Association, 506
Phrenological Society, 507
Physical Society, Royal, 506
Physicians, Royal College of Edinburgh, 414
Physicians, Royal College of London, 216
Police Commissioners, 491
Police, Court of, 497
Police, County, 533
Poor, Board of Supervision, 449
Poor, Edinburgh Parochial Boards, 516
Population of the European States, 162
Population of the United States, 162
Population of the principal States of Asia and America, 163
Population of the United Kingdom, 164
Population of the British Empire, 164
Population of the British Colonies, 266
Population of England & Wales, 267, 268
Population of Ireland, 280, 281
Population of Scotland, 289, 290, 335-359
Population of the Globe, 163
Port Hopetoun Dispensary, &c., 517
Porterage, Rates of, 526, 529
Portobello Lists, 687,638
Portsburgh, Magistrates of .493
Portsburgh, Constables of 496
Post-Office, Edinburgh, Regulations, 92-97
Post-Office, Edinburgh, Officers of, 434
Post-Office, London, Officers of, 168
Post-Towns & Sub-Offices in Scotland, 98-101
Postage, Inland, 94
Postage, Colonial and Foreign, 94-97
Prelates, Irish Representatives, 179
Prerogative Court, London, 270
Prerogative Court, Dublin, 286
Presbyterian Church in England, 38l, 382
Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 383-387
Presbyterian Church Synod of the Canadas, 395
Prince Albert's Household, 166
Prince of Wales' Household, 166
Prison Board, Edinburgh County, 400
Prison Discipline Society, 450
Prison Reports, Abstract of, 151
Prisons, Board of Directors of, 449
Privy-Council, 17
Procurators-Fiscal of Counties, 456-483
Protestant Association, 502
Provincial Banks in Scotland, 446, 447
Public Offices 521,528

Queen's Bench Court, 269
Queen's Bench Court, Irish, 286
Queen's Household, 165
Queen's Master Printers in Scotland, 449
Queen-Dowager's Household, 100

Railways in Scotland, 91
Railways, Notes on the Law of, &c, 168
Railway Company, Edinburgh and Glasgow, 521
Railway Trains in England .89, 90
Railway Trains in Scotland, 104, 106
Receipt Stamps, 82
Recorders in Edinburgh, 500
Recruiting Department, 435
Reformed Presbyterian Church, 398, 399
Relief Synod, 396-398
Relief Synod, Ministers' Friendly Society,`410
Relief of Incurables, Institution for, 513
Religious Knowledge among the Poor, Society for Promoting, 408
Religious Tract Society, 503
Renfrew County Lists, 477
Revenue, &c. of the United Kingdom, 147-151
Revenue, &c. of Scotland. 148
Revenue Boards, London .168
Revenue Departments, Scotland, 432-434
Roads, 86-90
Road Trustees, Midlothian, 495, 531, 532
Roman Catholic Clergy, 405-407
Roman Catholic College, Blairs, 407
Ross County Lists, 478
Roxburgh County Lists, 479
Royal Academy at Edinburgh, 418
Royal Academy, London, 276
Royal Bank of Scotland, 440
Royal Caledonian Hunt, 453
Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 414
Royal College of Physicians, London, 276
Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 415
Royal College of Surgeons, London, 276
Royal Family, 165
Royal Households 165, 166, 290
Royal Institution for Encouragement of Fine Arts, 4I6
Royal Society of Edinburgh, 416
Royal Society, London, 276
Royal Society of Literature, 276

Sabbath School Union, 409
Sabbath School Union, Edinburgh 503
Sabbath School Society, Edinburgh Gratis, 502
St Andrews University, 410, 411
St Andrews University Commission, 449
St Andrews University Madras College, 420
St Cecilia Society, 527
St Patrick, Knights of, 193
Salisbury Archer Club, 528
Sandhurst, Military College at, 276
Sasines, Registers of 430
Savings Bank 523
Savings Bank, Southern Districts, 523
Schaw's Hospital at Preston, 539
School of Arts, 505
School of Arts Friendly Society, 524
Schoolmasters, Burgh, &c. Society of, 521
Scottish Academy of Painting, &c., 416
Scottish Baronetage, 319-324
Scottish Central Board of Dissenters, 410
Scottish Corporation, London 200
Scottish Corporation, Edinburgh Branch of, 510
Scottish Episcopal Church, 402-404
Scottish Episcopal Church Society, 405
Scottish Episcopal Friendly Society, 404
Scottish Institutions for Education of Young Ladies 504
Scottish Members of Parliament, 328-333
Scottish Money converted into Sterling, 65
Scottish Naval and Military Academy, 419
Scottish Peerage, 292-310
Scottish Peerage (Union Roll) 291
Scots Law Society, 507
Seamen's Friend Society, 503
Secretaries of State, 168
Selkirk County Lists, 400
Servants, Duties on, 84
Servants, Registry for, 612
Session, Court of, 421
Session, Court of, List of Presidents of, from 1707, 157
Session-Clerks' Offices, 500
Sheriff Courts, 495
Sheriffs, &c. of Counties, 456-483
Shetland and Orkney County Lists, 475
Shipping, Number and Tonnage of, 150, 161
Signet, Writers to, List of, 425-427
Simpson's Asylum, Plean, 539
Skating Club, 527
Small Debt Courts in Edinburgh, 495
Solicitors before Supreme Courts, 427, 428
Solicitors, Certificated List of, 541-551
Solicitors, Society of, 428,429
Solicitors before Canongate Burgh Court, 496
Solicitors at Law, 429
Solicitors, Faculty of Admiralty, 428
Sons of the Clergy, Society for, 408
Sovereigns of Scotland, 156
Sovereigns of England, 155
Sovereigns of Europe, 159-162
Speculative Society, 507
Spottiswoode Society, 420
Staff Officers, North Britain 435
Stage and Mail Coaches, 103
Stamp and Legacy Duties, 79-113
Stamps and Taxes, Office for, 434
Stamps, Board of, London, 168
State Paper Office, London, 168
Statistics of the United Kingdom
Statistics of the Colonies, 265
Statistics of England and Wales, 267,268
Statistics of European States, 162
Statistics of States of Asia and America, 163
Statistics of Ireland, 28O, 281
Statistics of Scotland, 289
Statistics of Cities, Burghs, & Scotland, 485-490
Statistics of Shires of Scotland, 458-485
Statutes affecting Scotland, 114-146
Steam-Vessels, 106, 107
Stentmasters of Edinburgh, &c., 496
Stiell's Hospital, Tranent, 539
Stirling County Lists, 48l
Stocks, Tables of 74,
Surgeons, Royal College of, Edinburgh, 415
Surgeons, Royal College of, London, 276
Sutherland County Lists, 481
Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England, 381,382
Synod Relief 396-398 ~
Synod United Associate 388-395
Synod United Original Seceders, 399,400

Tariff of Customs, 76-78
Tariff of Excise, 79
Taxes, Assessed. 83-85
Taxes, Inspectors and Surveyors of, 434
Teachers, Edinburgh Society of, 524
Teind Court, 422
Temple, Order of, 450
Terms in Scotland and England, 15
Terms, Law and University (English), 15
Theological Institutions, 404
Theological Society, 107
Thistle, Knights of 193
Thomson's Mortification, 514
Tide-Tables, 17-40
Town-Clerks of Burghs, &c.,483-488
Tract Society, Scottish Monthly, 409
Trades Maiden Hospital, 509
Treasury, 168
Trinity College, Dublin, 287
Trinity Hospital, 510
Trustees for Manufactures, &c., 449
Trustees for Ministers' Widows' Fund, 408
Twilight, Duration of, 14

Union Bank of Scotland, 443
Union Canal Company 121
Union and Forth & Clyde Canal Boats, l08
United Associate Synod, 389-395
United Original Seceders, Synod of, 399, 400
United Service Club, 526
United ,States of America 162
University College, London, 274
Universities in Scotland, 410-413

Vicar-General's Office, London, 270
Voluntary Church Association, 102

War Office, 169
Wards, Municipal, of Edinburgh, 400
Water Company, Edinburgh, 529
Watson's (George), Hospital, 119
Watson's (John), Institution, 509
Weekly Markets in Scotland, 62
Weights, Imperial & Foreign, 63-66
Wernerian Natural History Society, 418
Wesleyan Missionary Society, 410
Western Bank of Scotland, Branch 445
Widows' Fund of the Church, &c., of Scotland, 408
Widows' Fund, Dissenting Ministers, 410
Wigtown County Lists, 482
Windows, Duties on, 85
Wodrow Society, 429
Woods, Forests, &c., Office of, 168
Workmen and Apprentices, Association for Education of, 12
Writers to the Signet, 425-427
Writers, Certificated Lists, 541-551

Yacht Club, Royal Eastern, 527
Year, Quarters of 14
Yeomanry Cavalry in Scotland, 438

Zoological Gardens Association, 525
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